We provide support for relatives and carers through advice, respite and counselling services

At Castel Froma Neuro Care, we understand caring for someone with a neurological condition requires 100% commitment and can take its toll on relatives and carers.

We provide familly support through advice, regular progress meetings (group and one-to-one), regular relatives’ meetings and free counselling services. In addition to this, our senior management team are always happy to meet with relatives on a one-to-one basis.

If you are looking for help with your care fees, we are always happy to provide advice on the following:

  • Mental Capacity & Best Interests
  • Social Care assessments
  • Advice on entitlement for free NHS Continuing Healthcare funding
  • Lasting Powers of Attorney

If you would like to find out more about how Family Support at Castel Froma Neuro Care could help you and your loved ones, please get in touch with our team who will guide you through the options.

I'm interested in receiving family support